Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 11

Day 71

Weigh-in #11- 204 lbs., after ten weeks on the twinkie2diet, I've lost a total of thirty one pounds.  My body fat has dropped from 23% to 15.5%.  Every other measurement will be completed by the end of the week and I will post the results as they become available.

Today begins Phase II, 2200 kilocalories, a 400 kcal increase.  I am excited about the progress of the diet as well as the increase in additional food intake.  My goals will also be posted in detail as the results come in, I continue the pursuit of 175 pounds.  Overall, the diet will contain more nutritious foods with the elimination of one of the snack foods and more servings of fruits and vegetables.  Variety will also be a key to the next ten weeks and balance (60/28/12) of carbohydrate, fat, and protein will continue to be a priority.

An updated photo will be posted in the near future, a technical problem with the camera has caused a delay.  Be sure to checkout the Credit and Video sections for video clips of Dr. Mark Haub and  Mr. Morgan Spurlock, two men who have willingly placed themselves in the spotlight of public opinion in order to supply answers to some of our most difficult questions about health and nutrition.


  1. after phase 1 cutting your caloric intake almost in half it is good to increase your calories.
