Friday, April 29, 2011

Week 11

Day 75

Phase II is in full swing.  Increasing the daily intake to 2200 kilocalories means new menus and an adjustment to the mentality.  It's been a very busy week, finals and graduation on Sunday, post measurements are well under way.  Checkout the Post Assessment section for a new photo and body fat measurements.  I had a blood test yesterday and the results should be in next week.  A new glitch, this time with the oxygen uptake equipment, will delay the Max Test for a few weeks.  In spite of the delays, it is obvious that the plan is working.  I need to keep moving forward with Phase II, increasing my exercise minutes per week and beginning a lifting program.  It should be a busy summer. 

Monday, April 25, 2011

Week 11

Day 71

Weigh-in #11- 204 lbs., after ten weeks on the twinkie2diet, I've lost a total of thirty one pounds.  My body fat has dropped from 23% to 15.5%.  Every other measurement will be completed by the end of the week and I will post the results as they become available.

Today begins Phase II, 2200 kilocalories, a 400 kcal increase.  I am excited about the progress of the diet as well as the increase in additional food intake.  My goals will also be posted in detail as the results come in, I continue the pursuit of 175 pounds.  Overall, the diet will contain more nutritious foods with the elimination of one of the snack foods and more servings of fruits and vegetables.  Variety will also be a key to the next ten weeks and balance (60/28/12) of carbohydrate, fat, and protein will continue to be a priority.

An updated photo will be posted in the near future, a technical problem with the camera has caused a delay.  Be sure to checkout the Credit and Video sections for video clips of Dr. Mark Haub and  Mr. Morgan Spurlock, two men who have willingly placed themselves in the spotlight of public opinion in order to supply answers to some of our most difficult questions about health and nutrition.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Week 10

Day 70

A new Phase begins tomorrow but first I will reflect on Phase I.  For seventy days I have focused on this diet with a sense of apprehension and challenge.  At first, it was the fear of the unknown, the uncertainty of giving up something which is so ingrained in me, denying myself foods I like and emotionally depend on.  But then, as my body and mind began adjusting to the changes, I learned to relax and slow down my eating, accepting smaller quantities of food, enjoying the tastes of simple things.  Meat wasn't a big part of the ten weeks but when I did eat it, it was great!  Fruits and vegetables tasted good as well.  I never really panicked with this plan because I knew the next  feeding was just three hours away, I would survive.  I could tell that I was taking in less kilocalories than my body was using but it was tolerable because the deficit wasn't too great, keeping weight loss to 1-2 lbs. a week is the key.  It's been interesting and exciting to go through this process and to "survive".  I am looking forward to the results (which will be posted in the upcoming week) and the beginnings of a new challenge-Phase II here I come!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Week 10

Day 68

No photo this week, Easter break, I will post a new picture on Monday.  Three days left and Phase I is complete!  I am still having trouble with my knees but it's tolerable.  I may have to switch to non-weight bearing exercise if I can't get on top of it.  I need to get in to see my Orthopedic Doctor once school is finished.  Finals begin on Monday and graduation is in a week.  I'm looking forward to summer, especially some warm weather!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week 10

Day 64

Weigh-in #10- 207 lbs., one week left in Phase I.  Twenty eight pounds down, almost halfway to my goal of 175!  I am especially appreciative of my nutrition and health classes for their help and support.  Along with my wife Susan, they have been very encouraging.  Susan has done a great job helping me with this blog and I must say, this has been a very encouraging "experiment"!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Week 9

Day 62

No major problems this week, fairly straight forward.  I am beginning to setup the schedule for Post Phase I measurements.  By the end of next week the new menus should be done and I will be ready for Phase II to begin.  The new schedule will be April 25-July 3.  I'm excited with the progress so far and am looking forward to the new challenges!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Week 9

Day 57

Weigh-in #9- 209 lbs., twenty six pounds lost.  Okay, so I had a milkshake yesterday, what can I say?  I stopped in Upland, IN on the way back from a trip and Ivanhoe's Restaurant is a Central Indiana classic.  I couldn't resist.

I did get a run in Saturday and it felt okay.  My knee is still not to full strength but it's tolerable.  I should be able to get in three days this week and get some strength back.  The diet is going very well, the progress thus far has been encouraging.  Two weeks from today will be the final weigh-in for Phase I and I will also be scheduling a blood test and the other measurement soon.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Week 8

Day 55

I'm a bit late in writing this week but it has gone well.  I ran today for the first time in two weeks and my knee feels better.  I still have some pain but I'm icing it and doing more stretching than I usually do.  My new shoes are great, Nike LunarGlide +2's!  I will post the photo from yesterday next weekend, my wife is in Oregon and she is my "technical support" for the blog.  Translation, I don't know how to do it.

One subject I haven't mentioned is the amount of water I am drinking.  I try to drink consistently throughout the day.  It's easier at work because I keep bottled water in my office.  I'm not as consistent during the weekends at home.  We have well water and I don't like it as much.  I guess I need to buy bottled water for home.  Week 8 is almost done, I'm on the home stretch for Phase I.  I will be announcing the Phase II changes in the near future, again, feedback is appreciated.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Week 8

Day 50

Weigh-in #8- 210.5 lbs., a three pound loss, 24.5 lb. total so far.  With only three weeks left in Phase I, I will finish out the ten weeks at 1800 kilocalories a day.  Already looking forward to Phase II, I will be adding anywhere from 500 to 750 additional kilocalories a day.  One of the junk food items will be eliminated and replaced with a more healthy alternative.  Additional foods will be determined and any suggestions would be appreciated.

I will start running again this week.  Still waiting on my knee to progress a bit further.  It still hurts but not too badly.  Hopefully I can begin tomorrow, but I'm confident that by Thursday at the latest, I should be ready.  Tonight, the twinkie2diet blog will be posted on facebook for the first time.  Hello World!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Week 7

Day 47

This week has proven to be an interesting one on the twinkie2diet.  I followed the Monday, Week 7 weigh-in (216 lbs.) on Tuesday with another weigh-in and my weight decreased to 213.5 lbs., a 2.5 lb drop.  Difficulties with knees were transferred from my left to right knee when I had an incident with my LA Z BOY chair.  Attempting to close it on Monday evening, I hyper extended it and haven't been able to run all week.  This is the first week in a year an a half that I won't be able to complete my goal for running.  Regardless, the diet is going well and I feel healthy and more energetic.  Speaking of exercise, a key to any diet plan is a combination of regular vigorous activity and healthy eating.  During Phase II, I will increase my running and add lifting along with increasing my daily activities with more outside work and play.  Three weeks left in Phase I.