Day 106
Weigh-in #16- 198 lbs., sub-200 for the first time in over sixteen years! It's been such an unbelievable fifteen weeks so far, 37 lbs. down, dropped to size 36 pants (from 38), and large shirts actually fit! Last week was a good week on the diet, I developed a few more menus, more consistency with the feedings and, I feel good. Running was the only real problem, I took two days off--four rest days in a row, in order to give my knees a break. I ran this afternoon and it hurts again. I know I need to get in to see the orthopedic doc!
Anyway, off to Denver early tomorrow for the ACSM conference. I'm excited to learn from the professionals and hopefully gain many helpful ideas for next fall's classes. We are expanding our Human Performance Lab this summer and I will check out the vendors as well. I'm especially pumped for the Thursday evening get together for alums of the Ball State exercise physiology graduate program. I'm also looking forward to running in Denver! I'll keep you posted and yes, new photos will be coming soon.
Congrats Lars! I am telling you that some anaerobic will help out...