Monday, March 14, 2011

Week 5

Day 29

Weigh-in #5- 218.5 lbs., another four pounds off.  Again, I need to be careful not to lose weight too quickly.  I am evaluating the menu constantly and will consider an increase in kilocalories.  This past weekend was more difficult than the last two in terms of being hungry.  I attribute this in part to some inconsistent feedings, my timing was off due to extra sleep on Saturday and the time change on Sunday.  I am also finding it more difficult to eat the carrots and will be including more of a variety of vegetables.  Another change I am trying this week, is switching the protein shake to my 7:00 am feeding and eating solids for lunch.  Otherwise, I feel good and I am definitely losing inches.  I'll post a photo later on in the week.


  1. Great job Larry! Keep on keeping on.

  2. Over the course of this, i can actually tell that you have lost weight. Looking great!

  3. Nice job Mr. McClements! Keep up the good work.

  4. I think it would be a great idea to get other vegetables in instead of so many carrots! it is also smart to change your protein shake to the morning just to give yourself more of a variety. :) You're doing great! I'm impressed... keep up the good work! :-)

  5. Hey maybe you will be back in the soccer field after this diet! Good idea on it and keep it up with it!

  6. Looking good so far McClements!


  7. I'm glad the diet is paying off! Keep up the dedication!

  8. Nice job losing that weight keep up the good work

  9. Hey good work MC, it isn't easy sticking with a diet like this. Keep it up!


  10. Looking good, keep it up! -Blake
