Monday, September 26, 2011

Week 32

Weigh-in #31 181 lbs., another three pound loss, 54 so far!  It was a busy week and my activity level is high.  Running four days a week, 45 minutes per run has been enjoyable.  I feel strong and the pace seems to increase with each run.  My metabolism is at an all time high for this program.  I noticed that I became increasingly hungry during the week and losing three pounds for the second consecutive week concerns me.  I have decided to increase my kcal's by one hundred, up to 2300 a day.

With six lbs. left to lose, I want to be sure to take my time and not get impatient.  Once 175 lbs. is reached, the maintenance aspect of the diet will kick-in.  Determining my daily metabolic needs will be critical.  My yearly physical is scheduled for two weeks and all tests will be reported as the results come in.  The details of the these results will help me to determine the direction of my future nutrition habits.  I'll keep you posted.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Week 31

Weigh-in # 30 184 lbs, 3.5 lbs. lost!  Week 30 was a great week.  Running was excellent, eating was good, and fifty-one total pounds down!  I will continue to worn on the last 9 lbs. and hopefully meet my goal by the end of October.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Week 31

Day 211

Weigh-in #29 187.5 lbs., one pound weight gain which reflects the typical ups and downs of the three phases of the twinkie2diet.  Today represents the end of Phase III and the start of Phase IV.  Thirty weeks on the plan have netted a total loss weight of 47.5 lbs. and tremendous changes in my mindset and body shape!  I have scheduled my yearly physical for October and will report the details as they become available.  All of the preliminary measurements will be re-taken in October, blood profile, oxygen uptake, body fat, etc. and all aspects of the diet will continue until I achieve my goal of 175 pounds.  I plan to stay with the 2200 kcal's and the same format during this phase.  It's been a great "run" and I am excited to see the changes which should be in evidence!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week 30

Day 204

Weigh-in #28 186.5 lbs., another two pound loss, 48.5 so far.  The first full week of classes began for the fall semester, the diet and exercise program went very well!  Phase III is about to end and I'm still at2200 kcals and feeling fine.  I will continue with another Phase until I reach my goal of 175 lbs. and then adjust the plan accordingly.  My running continues to improve, four days a week, 45 minutes per run.  The knees have been improving and I am even going at a faster pace.  I have really been motivated and pleased with the results!
Some good news from Indiana Association for Health Physical Education Recreation and Dance, a proposal I submitted in June to present the twinkie2diet plan at the November conference was approved.  Dave Wiedericht and I will be involving some of our students at the conference in Indianapolis, it should be fun!