Monday, November 7, 2011

Week 38

Day 267

Weigh-in #37 178 lbs., kind of up and down the last two weeks but I'm back on track.  Whenever family members come in from out of town (my daughter), or when I travel, it's difficult to balance out a regular feeding schedule.  I'm still at 2200 kcals and will stay at this level until I reach the 175 lb. goal.  Once that is accomplished, I will evaluate the menus and the exercise routine and estimate a new daily kilocalorie intake.  I'm confident that I can maintain my new "lifestyle" but I need to be vigilant, I still enjoy food!

On an exercise note, running is going well.  Four days a week, 45 minutes per run.  I finally began a lifting program, but I've decided to put it off until after the new year.  Between school and other responsibilities, I just don't have the time or energy for another challenge.

Friday is the IAHPERD Conference in Indy.  I am completing a PowerPoint presentation and will post it to the blog when it is finished.  The presentation will also be video recorded and I will also post that as well.